Friday, March 18, 2005

Second Week, FINISH

Today with the 8th graders felt really good. I felt a little like I was back to my "teacher self" -- the person my old students would recognize. The students seemed more comfortable with me, we were able to joke around a bit. It's still a little hard to explain things in sign language on-the-fly, but it's getting better. Actually, I think it's going to be tougher when I start working more with a couple classes where there are kids who need me to both voice and sign. As soon as I turn my voice on, it's like my hands forget how to work. But that's something I need to improve also, so it's just as well.

I'm ready to add the other 8th grade class next week, and I told the first class how the baseball is going to change to one class against the other -- they seemed enthusiastic about it. I'll also be sort of halfway taking over the 6th grade class -- really more like team-teaching with my cooperating teacher. Half the period each day will be spent on a data project, and the other half will be spent reviewing for a test the following week; I'll probably work with them for the review, then just provide support as they work on the project.

I'm definitely glad I'm placed in a school for the deaf. Most of my hearing classmates who are working as itinerant mainstream teachers of the deaf are feeling worried about losing their sign skills; meanwhile, I can already tell that by the end of the 10 weeks, I'll be leaps and bounds ahead of where I was when I started.

In fact, I'm planning on seeking a residential school placement again next year for my second student teaching assignment. Basically, I know I'm never going to take a job as an itinerant teacher of the deaf. The job description and requirements don't really fit me, it wouldn't make the best use of my skills, and I think I would find several aspects of it frustrating. Honestly, if I can't find a desirable math teaching job at a school for the deaf, I know I can find a good math teaching job in a regular school, and I'll have that certification also. Win-win situation for me!

Next week's a short week, too -- no school Friday because it's Good Friday. And Thursday one of the T.A.'s is retiring -- after 35 years working at this school! So there's a party the last period of the day, and the kids are working on making a scrapbook for her. Should be a good week.

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