Wednesday, May 11, 2005

We're in the $$$

Great idea for kids who need to develop their basic skills with money -- make math class an economic experience.

The modified classes are back in my cooperating teacher's hands this week, so she started them on a money unit. They're starting out with cash, but eventually they'll each have a little checkbook. They get money for doing their homework, coming prepared to class, being on-time, doing classwork, being polite, etc. But they have to pay for their classwork. A worksheet costs $1, but they get $2 for completing it. They can also buy popcorn, a free homework pass, laptop time on Friday (to play math games online). If they're chronically forgetting things like a pencil, or being disrespectful, they can get fined. And they have to keep track of their money on a "register" page.

It's been a little awkward the first couple days, explaining it to the kids and getting it going, but it's already starting to smooth out a little and become another part of the routine.

I'll have to keep in touch with my cooperating teacher to see how it goes through the rest of the school year. Seems like something I'll want to try with my own classes someday, if I have younger kids.

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