Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Cross-Language Dilemma

Can someone help me with how to sign "read upside-down" in ASL? It's something I do all the time, and a very handy skill for a teacher to have. You know, most of the time I'm across the desk, facing the student, and since I can read upside-down, the student doesn't have to turn the book around for me to see what they're asking about.

But I'm not perfect at it. Sometimes, when my brain is a little more tired, or the textbook is more complex with technical vocabulary, I have to work a lot harder at understanding from my upside-down perspective. This means I make the occasional mistake, and I try to say something along the lines of, "Oops, wrong me, my fault for trying to read that upside-down."

Every time I say something like that, I feel like I stumble over the "reading upside-down" part. I just haven't figured out the appropriate way to sign that.

Where are my ASL teachers when I need them?


  1. Initially I was going to say, set up the writing surface with your palm and fingers perpindicular to your body and just flip your dominant hand over. . . but after more thought I'd suggest opening a book, shake your head "no-puzzled", then flip it down and out so it is at the right angle for your audience to see (but difficult for you). Then swing your "2" reading hand from the audience's left to right with your palm facing down/yourself (bend the fingers down to nearly meet the "page") and crane your neck a little bit using a thinking-hard expression. You may even want to touch your own eye in a contraction "I'read"

    hope this helps!

    been checking on your blog for a while. . . . figured the Santa Fe sun had affected you!!! don't you just LOVE the FIROLITOS?!?! such a pretty time of year in NM! ahhh.
    oh and kudos to your deaf frat athlete (I vaugly remembered the student when I read the name, but of course now can't remember who!). smiles. have a wonderful holiday.

  2. Ha! I had to look up "firolitos" to see what you were talking about -- who knew they had a different name for luminarias here? Either way, yes, they are very pretty.

    And yes, AJ was football player of the year. How long ago did you intern here? I'm trying to figure out what grade he would have been in then.

  3. Just for your information, it isn's called Firolitos. It's called Farolitos. :)

    And, wish I could help. I don't quite know the specific sign for reading up-side down. Although I come from a strong deaf family. I can't help you there. :( sorry.

  4. Well, I'm sure JAM will be the first to tell us not to trust her spelling. But on the other hand, I googled it the way she spelled it to figure out what she meant, and there are other people out there spelling it that way.

    On the other hand, when you spell it "farolitos" you get a lot more matches. :)

  5. ... and according to that comment I just posted, I guess I have 3 hands. :-P (on the other hand, and on the other other hand)
