Friday, August 25, 2006

The Guru is Back Online

Okay, it's been a while. With Regent's exams and getting ready to move, June got busy fast, and I just couldn't bear the thought of trying to post anything through the dial-up connection at Mom and Dad's.

But now, here I am in Santa Fe, NM ... this evening is the 3-week mark. I just got the internet up and running a week ago, but have been a little busy for funny things like blogging. ;)

Quick update of what's been going on:
  • My niece, Melanie Rae, arrived on June 26th at almost 4 in the morning (I think I've got that right... if not, I'll edit). That was just after Dad and K arrived to help me with the big pack-up-and-go. Thank goodness I got to spend a month at home... I'll be seeing her when I head home next weekend (briefly), but then I won't see her again until Thanksgiving. She'll be nearly 5 months old then! Since her parents now have a decent internet connection as well, I expect regularly updated photos (ahem...)
  • We made the drive from Rochester in two days flat. As Mom said, "Never again!" (And she wasn't even with us!) At least since we were driving west, the time changes were in our favor.
  • I made the move to Santa Fe. Not bad, took us ten hours with a U-Haul trailer. We'll see how fast I can do it next weekend with just my little un-loaded-down Corolla. :)
  • I started work right away. And I mean right away. I moved into my apartment on a Saturday, and reported to my first orientation meeting the following Monday. But there was at least enough time on Saturday to do some major shopping (I have my own washer and dryer -- heaven!) and get everything into the apartment. Mom and Dad stuck around Monday to finish setting things up while I was at work -- even painting shelves! Thanks, Mom and Dad -- MWAH! (that's a Monica-ism)
  • I've been teaching for two weeks now. All my kids are awesome. All have their strengths and weaknesses, as usual, so it'll keep things interesting. I have one student that I swear looks just like my cousin Ethan will when he grows up. I'll have to bring pictures home to show the family.
  • Speaking of teaching, I'm covering my biggest range of classes ever -- from basic math (real-life applications) to Pre-Calculus. And considering I've got some sophomores in Geometry who have already taken Algebra 2, there may be a possibility of Calculus two years hence ... if I can talk the principal into letting me teach it instead of sending them to the local high school.
I think that's all for now. If I think of more this weekend, I'll post it. I promised I'd go to both the volleyball game and the football game tomorrow, so I'd better get to bed.

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