Monday, February 28, 2005

Late-Night News

  1. Got the comments hack working! If you want to post a comment, click the "time" link at the bottom of the post, then scroll down to where there's a box for you to enter your comment. You can enter your name where it says "Name" and the comment post will display that name, without you logging into Blogger. So don't worry about registering. Email and URL are optional. Now working on setting up the main page so the "# Comments" link goes straight to the new post-comment section. (Yet another computer situation where I know exactly what needs to be done, but not exactly how to do it.)
  2. Got an email from my History of Ed. professor. Glowing feedback regarding my final exam ... feeling very warm and fuzzy now. She even strongly recommended that I submit the answer for one of the questions (a short essay) to a particular publication -- either their e-zine or quarterly publication. It's so nice feeling appreciated, validated, affirmated (I might be making that word up, time to go to bed)
  3. Mike (the Brother) tells me it was very nice in Utah today, almost spring-like. Definitely still winter here. Lots of fun driving back home in the snow this evening. Still need to work on inventing a quick, effective, hassle-free way of clearing snow off the car. I can't remember the last time (in Utah) I had to do it more than once in a single day; now that's a regular thing.

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